
Wednesday 1 July 2015

My blog anniversary winner(s)!

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed in some way to my blog, and in particular those who have commented on what I am doing - it acts as a huge stimulus for me to complete my many projects. My aim over the coming months is to make sure I comment on other's blogs more frequently as there is so much inspirational work across the web and it always deserves recognition (sometimes I'm guilty of going "oh wow, I love that idea" and then thinking about how I can be influenced by it rather than typing and showing recognition of said great work).

With regards to the offer of painting a miniature to my contributors as an anniversary thank you present, I realised that I prefer to be inclusive, so I've decided to paint a mini for each of the following contributors who took the time to feedback on my blog; many thanks to you all!:

Leif “Laffe” Eriksson

Jean-Baptiste Garidel (leadplague)

Timothy Edwards


Gentlemen, I'll email you with my address and if you have a mini that you'd like painted (perhaps one that has long been languishing in your collection) then I would happily paint it for you. Pass on any details, colour schemes etc that you'd like me to work with and I'll put these to the top of my painting queue and return the completed mini to you when completed.

Many thanks again for your contributions, it's very much appreciated and this is my way of saying thanks!
Oh and because I can't bring myself to have a post without a picture, here's an old diorama that I made a while ago of a dwarf and goblin in a dungeon, ready to fight over a key for the chest:

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