
Friday 10 January 2020

My hobby review of 2019

I had initially thought that 2019 had been something of a barren year, hobby wise, so I was quite surprised when I looked back through my blog from the past year and discovered that I had actually produced a fair bit and quite the variety too:

I was clearly driven by the many competitions that are hosted in various places and I had a penchant for scenery (which is no surprise to me, I thoroughly enjoy scratch-building) and quite a few larger, ongoing projects were completed, including a Dwarf warband and an entire regiment of Ruglud's Armoured Orcs!

The variety included lots of trash-bashing, a bit of kit building, some Scalextric restorations, sci-fi to fantasy and conversions, pre-built models and lots and lots of painting;

Modern Miniatures with a shout to Realms of Chaos
Baggage Train pt1

Baggage train pt2

Competition 1: hover taxi from razorblade packaging

Bandai Y-Wing model kit

Competition 2: Trish Carden Marauder Gobbos

LaserCut building 1

Lasercut building 2

Scratch/trash built Yaztromo's Tower

Scratch/trash built 40k generators

Scratch/trash built 40k power plant

Scalextric restoration #1

Scalextric restoration #2

Scalextric restoration #3 and 4

Dwarf Warband

Competition 3: DinoBorg

Competition 4: Trashbash Build: Pringles

Competition 5: Bob Olley warband

Rugluds Armoured Orcs (Orctober)

Handmade combat cards

Elf Bloodbowl (test)

Modular gaming board #4

Laser cut and 3d printed terrain

Next I'll show what I'm aiming to achieve over 2020...


  1. What a very productive year you've had, sometimes it can seem we've done a lot less but these reviews can highlight just how much you've done, excellent work and here's to another bumper year

    1. Cheers Dave, I'm really in the zone at the moment, so expect a blistering start to the year!

  2. What a fantastic output this year, reallyglad you found the way back to the desk, those are brilliant.

    1. I think I needed a shirt break, but I'm really enjoying my hobby at the moment and just making things for fun. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Impressive showcase for the year, look forward to the teaser for what you plan on tackling this year. 2020 is the year of the horned rat for me, lots of Skaven to keep me quiet.

    1. Are they the Jes Goodwin skaven? They're some of my favourite sculpts and I've got a few to paint too. Good luck with it though!

  4. Oh yes, a few lovely Jes Goodwin original Skaven and nice a mix of various releases from their history. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. It definitely was a good year, you left us with plenty of eye candy to gawk at.
    Still love the tower the most.

  6. They look like real ones! I love them a lot! Have you ever thought about running your own business? I think you could achieve a lot. In case you'll ever need some legal aid on that, I can recommend reading articles from
