Friday 20 March 2020

A Djinn - Self isolation day 1

If I had three wishes.....? Well I guess one of them could have been to get some unexpected time to work on my hobby projects, but I certainly didn’t wish for it in this way. My daughter developed a new, persistent cough yesterday so we’ve self-isolated as a family - all 5 of us. We’re all fine though. I’m home schooling the kids and in between that I managed to line up some models and get quite a few things, hobby wise, done. I hope to do the same each day..

Yesterday I painted up this Zealot miniatures Djinn which had been sitting around primed, for a while. I saw it as a chance to practise some different, non-Caucasian skin after all my white barbarians and to try a different style of miniature. Also it’s another tick on my Frostgrave Bestiary challenge:

I painted the top half first (having to stubbornly refuse the desire to go all blue) starting with a rhinox hide base and highlighting up through mixes of doombull brown and gorthor brown. I’m still unsure of how successful I’ve been. My original intention for the bottom, swirling part was to blend out the skin tone into white, but changed my mind prior to starting and thought I’d practise some fire painting. So that’s what I did! Please let me know your thoughts.

I also managed to put together a gypsy caravan which I’d picked up from Sarissa Precision and which I will use as scenery for my town scene:

Next up a new little warband, some Gaslands and the Blood Bowl elf team that’s I’ve threatened to tackle many times before without doing so. Stay safe out there everyone.


  1. That's a really nice genie miniature. I like how you painted it and the base bathed in magical light.

    1. Cheers Ellesse, the magic light on the base was the easiest bit but probably the most successful! Stay safe!

  2. Great stuff Stuart! Fantastic brushwork on the fire 😀
    All the best to you and your family, stay safe.

  3. I really like the genes skin tones. The fire look the part from the pictures so don't worry about that one. I must get one of those MDF kits for my proxy Mordheim Circus of Corruption warband, which is gradually being collected.
    An Elf Bloodbowl team, really, in these times does the world need more wardancers??? Unless they are NHS wardancers of course

    1. Good point Phil, I'll add an elven apothecary (perhaps a converted cheerleader so it looks like she's dancing too).

  4. Looks fantastic mate. The skin looks great too, although a missed opportunity to go all blue ;) Hope you're all keeping well in these interesting times.
