Saturday 21 March 2020

A gypsy caravan - day 2

This was a very quick paint job. Under coated black then doombull brown undercoat and then highlighted up with evil sun red. The yellow trim was based with baalor brown and highlighted with flash glitz yellow. The roof was quickly done in a few brushstrokes (wet-in-wet blending); a base of caliban green and then streaked white added in to blend a highlight.

And here you can see the Djinn and caravan in situ on my board, looking through an old ruined temple:

Staying with vehicles, tomorrow’s task will be to finish off some Gaslands! cars that I started a while ago, where the painting didn’t go very well the first time of asking. 
The conversions of Hot Wheels cars:


And then basecoated with rusty colours:

And then I experimented with salt and chipping paint medium. After that had been applied I then sprayed them black and with a toothbrush started off removing the black layer. I found it too random and craved to start again. So that’s what I’ll do tomorrow.


  1. I'm in the market for a gypsy caravan like that. Where'd it come from?

    1. Sarissa Precision, laser cut for about £7 and quite easy to put together

  2. Snazzy caravan now its painted, love the city pics. Seeing the caravan on the streets gave me mordheim paranoia .. gypies in town or minions of papa nurgle?

    1. Gypsies in town on this occasion, but I do have plans for a cavalcade of Nurgle..

  3. The caravan looks great Stuart and nice work on your car conversions
